Drug Charges
Other Felonies/Misdemeanors
Nobody wants to be charged with a crime. But, if you are, you want an attorney that has an unwavering belief in America’s Constitution and the fact that it does not end with the 1st and 2ndamendments, but includes the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments. That is the same belief Montrio had as a child listening to his granddad’s pride in serving America in World War II, even though America treated him as a second class citizen, watching his mom put on an Abbeville County Sheriff Department uniform where she served as a dispatcher, riding in his uncle’s city patrol car as the first African-American police officer in his hometown, and when Montrio took the oath to join the US Armed Services in 1991.
Montrio is a zealous advocate that knows the law, will give you an honest assessment of the facts of your case and how your facts intersect with current law, will not make unethical promises, and has experience with jury trials where clients are facing long prison sentences. From understanding the nuances of South Carolina’s DUI and drug laws to spending hours preparing major felony cases for trial, Montrio Belton prides himself in being a zealous, yet honest, advocate for the rights of clients charged with criminal misdemeanors or felonies. So, whether your charge is Driving under the Influence (DUI) or murder, call Montrio Belton.